Maranello, 21 December.– It is a great privilege to own a Ferrari because it means owning a car that boasts the most important brand in motorsport. Ferrari has also designed a series of courses for people not just content to drive their car, but who really want to learn how to bring out the best performance from it. These courses help customers improve their driving skills to the point of being able to become a competition driver. The four courses available take place in Europe, North America and Asia and are divided into Sports, Advanced, Evolution and Challenge. The Pilota Ferrari course, exclusively available to customers, provides the opportunity to attend various and successive course levels, offering content which is increasingly technical and complex, delivered at the perfect pace, to be tackled using the experience, sensitivity and driving technique acquired in previous courses.

Pilota Ferrari Sport Course

This course is an intensive, tried and tested program of professional ad didactically effective instruction. This course offers a complete, progressive programme of instruction focused on giving participants a comprehensive understanding of sport driving techniques.

Pilota Ferrari Advanced Course

This course a sports driving course reserved for Ferrari clients who have already completed the Sport Course. Participants will learn to drive Ferrari cars to their maximum ability and will acquire advanced skills in fast driving and vehicle control, thanks to more personal instruction. The various specialist activities covered include track sessions with onboard data acquisition systems and telemetry analysis, track driving with a pace car, vehicle control under limit conditions and a final skill-based competition with driver rankings and the possibility to get to know better the Challenge car.

Pilota Ferrari Evolution Course

Because of the advanced technical content on which the driving sessions are based, the Evolution Course is only open to drivers who have already completed the Pilota Ferrari Advanced Course. What makes the Evolution Course completely unique and exclusive is that the instruction is so finely tailored and during both the theory and the practice sessions. The two-day course program covers a series of practical exercises: continuous telemetry analysis of track times with and without a pace car (in greater detail than on the Advanced Course), finding the car’s limits in cornering and optimizing overall driving performance with the aid of chronometric analysis. Over both days of the course, these exercises culminate in participants’ using the 458 Challenge EVO in racing set-up. The program leads up to a series of track time trials with final rankings based on participant’s skills.

Challenge Course

The Challenge Course is the toughest of all Ferrari Driving Courses and takes the sports driving concepts developed in the three previous levels to their natural conclusion. It is designed to offer customers a superbly professional and technically evolved service. The theory and practice acquired in a Pilota Ferrari Evolution Course are prerequisites for all aspiring Challenge course participants. The course program involves intensive use of the 458 Challenge, to ensure progressive improvement of driving techniques and performance. The dynamically structured course program is based on timed driving sessions on the track. Participants are therefore given an opportunity to become familiar with basic racing techniques like starting and overtaking, as well as the procedures for the various stages of a race, car setup methods and race rules. At the end of the course, participants can also sit the test for driving cars of over 2000 cc required by the National Federation to compete in Ferrari Challenge races. The course therefore offers an exciting and professional experience and develops you as a “real” Ferrari driver. The definitive course calendars for 2016 will be published early in the year, with the courses beginning in Europe in April and Asia in March. Anyone interested in North America can find out more by following this link. The cars used will be, as mentioned, the 458 Challenge EVO but also the brand new 488 GTB, the F12berlinetta and the California T.

Text and photograph by: Ferrari

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