13.01.2014.- Fabulous blue sky and brilliant sunshine greeted the members of The Jaguar Enthusiasts Club in Spain for  their latest event on the 12th January 2014. A Country Lunch at a little known, but excellent restaurant called La Torreta located half way between Sax and Elda about 30 Km. inland from Alicante. Most of the cars congregated at the Repsol Gas Station in Sax before going on to the restaurant just a couple of kilometres away. May I take this opportunity to thank all the members that attended especially the new members and to thank Ian our Events Manager for putting together such a brilliant day.

We finished up with 23 beautiful Jaguars, all polished to within a inch of their life, especially David Sleap’s newly acquired S Type which I have to say looks as though it has just come out of the showroom even though it is 11 years old. This superb selection of Jaguars almost filled the car park of the little country eating house. As for  Members and Friends, we had a Record Turnout with 65 people. This filled the restaurant to almost overflowing. I have to compliment Simona and her girls from La Torreta for providing not only fabulous food but brilliant service to 65 hungry and rather noisy automotive enthusiasts. I also have to mention that we were honoured with a special guest, John Brewster, the JEC XK120, 140, 150 Forum Co-ordinator who was visiting Spain and was brought along by our good friends Mike & Brenda Pike.


Restaurant La Torreta went to exceptional efforts to make this event a success. The food was fabulous and for a price that was phenomenal value for money. We started with a plate of sliced fried cheese on a bed of thinly sliced tomato drizzled in olive oil, and a basket of fabulous fresh baguette slices, followed by deep fried Boquerón’s (small fishes), then Sepia a la plancha, the tenderest griddled squid you have ever tasted. A choice of main course was offered, slow cooked shoulder of lamb, entrecote steak, sea bass with cava sauce, grilled hake, or for a small supplement either a fillet (solomillo) steak (the best you will get anywhere) or a Chuleton Steak (T Bone) a huge piece of prime beef. A selection of deserts were then offered as well as good strong coffee. Wines consisted of El Cotto 2008 for the red, Olite for the rose and a very pleasing little Riesling for the white or for those who wanted it endless beer.  All this for 23 Euros which offered our members exceptional value for money.  This is the second time that JEC Spain has visited La Torreta, I am sure it will not be the last. Some members have already said we must repeat this event again in the not too distant future.

Satisfied a satiated, all the members congregated outside just as the sun was going down for the obligatory group photographs. A last chat and a final coffee or last slurp of wine and then people started to depart just after 5:00pm however some of us were still there at 6:00pm – what a great day. Our next meeting is provisionally planned for Sunday the 2nd March, venue yet to be decided.


The Jaguar Enthusiasts Club is the largest of the worlds Jaguar Clubs, apart from joining in the fun at the meetings, members also benefit from a glossy 132 page A4 monthly magazine, Jaguar spares department and a technical advice service second to none. If you live in Spain and own a Jaguar you should be a member of The Jaguar Enthusiasts Club. The JEC in Spain is organised by Eric Arnold and Ian McMenemy. Eric can be contacted by email at  or by phone on 609931647 or alternatively check out  or the JEC main web site Our Events Manager, Ian McMenemy can be contacted at Not forget David Shea who looks after our Facebook identity and John Parkin who manages our dedicated web site

Text and photographs by:  Eric Arnold

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