07.03.2015.- All records smashed. The Jaguar Enthusiasts Club, Spain had a previous attendance record of 25 cars and 66 people, that record was smashed at our meeting at Restaurant Heradura in Los Montesinos on Sunday 1st March. The new record to beat now is 36 cars and 98, yes 98 people, just shows we must be doing something right. I think the weather helped, what a glorious day in all respects, blue skies, balmy temperatures and mostly empty roads. Can you imagine cruising with “the top down” anywhere in Good Old Blighty on the 1st March, not a chance!  As it happened, our good friends from the Phoenix Classic Car club also had their meeting just down the road, so it was an ideal opportunity for some of our members to enjoy the collection of classic cars before coming to La Heradura for our meeting. On arrival, we mostly congregated on the outside terrace, enjoying the beautiful sunshine and warm temperatures. Then it turns out that we had set some other new records for the Oldest Attendee with one members father aged 91 and we eclipsed the furthest travelled record, one couple came all the way from Marbella, some 530 Km. May I take this opportunity to offer a very special thank all those that attended especially the people that have never been before. As always a big thank you to Ian McMenemy, our dedicated Events Director for all his hard work organising this event, and a special mention and thanks to David Shea for his sterling work on our Facebook pages and David Sleap for his help making sure everything runs smoothly.


36 beautiful Big Cats, polished to within an “inch of their lives”. It made “an old man” very happy, what an amazing sight. I am not going to try and mention all the cars, there were so many that deserved a special mention but, to do them justice would take up too much room in this article. If you want to see just some of them, visit our web site web site and visit the Events pages and the Gallery pages where you can see examples of “just the best motors in the world”!

As usual Restaurant La Heradura looked after us really well, pre dining drinks on the terrace, basking in the sunshine and followed by a very civilised glass of a crisp, dry Cava when we first sat down in the restaurant. That was followed by 6 courses of delightful repast. Totally “stuffed” and satiated, we finished the day with a few announcements, then outside for the mandatory group photo then a coffee or a last drink, then head for home and still warm enough to have the “top down”, a fabulous afternoon.


Our next meeting is rather special, “The Big One”, a joint meeting between JEC Spain and JEC France at the end of March. We are expecting nearly 70 Jaguars and 134 people. We believe this will be the largest collection of Jaguars ever to get together in Spain, see the web site for more details. Following that we are visiting Rebate again, a firm favourite with our members and a beautiful lake side drive to get there. No firm dates yet but the middle of May looks likely. Ian our Events Director is planning something special for September and we will be “cruising” down to Malaga for our “Trip Down South” in November. Why not come and join us.


The Jaguar Enthusiasts Club is the largest of the worlds Jaguar Clubs, apart from joining in the fun at the meetings, full members also benefit from a glossy 140 page A4 monthly magazine, Jaguar spares department and a technical advice service second to none. If you live in Spain and own a Jaguar you should be a member of The Jaguar Enthusiasts Club. The JEC in Spain is organised by Eric Arnold and Ian McMenemy. Eric can be contacted by email or by phone on 609931647 or alternatively check out the JEC Spain website  Our Events Director, Ian McMenemy can be contacted by email.

Text and photographs by: Eric Arnold

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