Dear reader,
Clásicos al volante is a project made possible by a group of aficionados and professionals of the motor world.
It is our objective to offer a high-quality publication in digital format based on our extensive experience both in the editorial and the motor world (sales, restoration and events) and with the support of our rich archive of car related materials.
The aim of this web site is to provide in-depth coverage of everything happening in the exciting world of classic cars: from the vehicles themselves (car tests, book reviews, technical issues) to the people who make things possible (rally and motor shows organisers, car experts, etc.).
In this web site we will approach the world of cars with rigour and seriousness. We will keep you up to date with the latest news and inform you of the events as they take place. Moreover, we will test the best cars in the hope of making you feel the excitement and enjoyment that we feel driving them.
If you wish to advertise your cars or anything related, you can do so in the section called “Mercado” (market).
We make this web site for you, so we welcome any idea, suggestion or comment that you wish to make. We will be delighted to read them and, whenever possible, put them into practice.
We would like to thank the following companies and associations for their help and support: Electromóvil, S. C. V. L., SAICA Classic Motor Sport, Taller Vicente Roig, Talleres Santa Bárbara, Car Country, Rolls Royce Enthusiats´Club, Jaguar Club, Antequera Classic, Club de Automóviles Antiguos de Valencia, Clàssic Motor Club L´Horta, Clàssic Motor Club del Bages, Club Vehicles Clàssics Salou, Foro Jaguar and Touristtrophy-Comunidad Audi TT España and Marta Inigo Ros (translations).
Best regards,
Juan Inigo